A customized dashboard to track the ROI of marketing campaigns


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Project within the Digital Factory: "Renault Digital". Renault was spending several million euros on digital marketing campaigns without being able to measure the ROI.

The Challenge

The challenges to be met for this mission were:

  • Retrieve and clean data from 40 countries into a data lake
  • Expand the scope: from 5 to 7 data sources from 3M to 10M lines processed in 6 months
  • Create matching algorithms and get the 40 countries to adhere to the calculations

The Solution

Theodo Data & AI integrated Renault Digital's teams to develop different components:

  • Development of the data flow for retrieving marketing and sales data, data cleaning and people matching (ETL - Extract Transform Load).
  • Development of a data monitoring dashboard that allows the impact of Renault's marketing campaigns on dealership sales to be measured.


The Results

Our tool allows for very rapid analysis on over ten different axes: country, model, brand, campaigns. By cross-referencing these analysis axes, it allows the impact of Renault's marketing campaigns on dealership sales in 25 countries to be measured.


Millions operations per day

+9 %

Increase in sales with the same budget

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