Predictive Maintenance applied to Rail


format site sicara (Bannière moyenne (US) (Paysage)) (11) (2)


The pylons supporting the catenaries that supply electricity to TGVs are displaced by the speed of the TGVs. As part of an ITC (Testing, Inspection, and Certification) assessment of these pylons, the engineering firm Colas Rail has partnered with Sicara to automate one of the project's steps.

The Challenge

To represent all 3D data of the environment to calculate the surfaces and distances between catenaries, rails, and pylons, Colas Rail uses point clouds generated by laser scanners (LIDAR).

To visualize this 3D environment, it takes 15 minutes to load the point cloud, isolate the pylon, and generate its cross-section on an internal Colas Rail business software.

The Solution

Creation of a web application to visualize the 3D plan of the pylons generated by a LIDAR and then its 2D integration into an internal business software.

The Results

Our application has saved Colas Rail 40 weeks/year of Testing, Inspection, and Certification.

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