
Centers of expertise

Integrate generative AI into your activities.

Let's work together!

Why ?

Unlock the potential of your data to explore new perspectives.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many sectors, from health to finance, to industry. One of the most exciting advancements in the field of AI is the emergence of generative AI. Generative AI is a branch of AI that uses neural networks to generate new data, from images to texts, to music and videos. This technology offers endless opportunities to stimulate creativity and innovation in your business.

Imagine a world where you can create design, marketing content, automated responses, intelligent chatbots entirely generated by artificial intelligence. Generative AI allows you to unlock a creative potential that you could never have imagined before. Whether you are an artist, marketer or even engineer, integrating generative AI into your professions can help you push the boundaries of your creativity and explore new perspectives.

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Combine the knowledge of your business experts with the capabilities of generative AI.

Photo - Linkedin -Louise

The expert

Louise N.

Solution Architect

Photo - Linkedin - PH  (2)

The expert

Louise N.

Solution Architect

One of the main advantages of generative AI is its ability to quickly produce large amounts of content. For instance, if you are a marketing content creator, generative AI can help you automatically generate ideas for blog posts, advertising campaigns, social media posts, or responses to personalized content like explaining a case denial. By analyzing vast data sets, generative AI can understand the preferences of your target audience and generate personalized content that resonates with them.

For artists and designers, generative AI can be used as a collaborative tool. You can feed the model with examples of your work, and generative AI can generate new ideas or variations on your existing creations. This can help you find inspiration, explore new aesthetics, and create unique works of art.

In the field of engineering and product design, generative AI can also be a valuable asset. By combining human knowledge with the machine learning capabilities of AI, you can create generative models that produce optimized, efficient, and innovative designs. Generative AI can help accelerate the design process by automatically generating prototypes and exploring alternative design solutions.

One of the main advantages of generative AI is its ability to quickly produce large amounts of content. For instance, if you are a marketing content creator, generative AI can help you automatically generate ideas for blog posts, advertising campaigns, social media posts, or responses to personalized content like explaining a case denial. By analyzing vast data sets, generative AI can understand the preferences of your target audience and generate personalized content that resonates with them.

Photo - Linkedin -Louise

The expert

Louise N.

Solution Architect

For artists and designers, generative AI can be used as a collaborative tool. You can feed the model with examples of your work, and generative AI can generate new ideas or variations on your existing creations. This can help you find inspiration, explore new aesthetics, and create unique works of art.

In the field of engineering and product design, generative AI can also be a valuable asset. By combining human knowledge with the machine learning capabilities of AI, you can create generative models that produce optimized, efficient, and innovative designs. Generative AI can help accelerate the design process by automatically generating prototypes and exploring alternative design solutions.

Photo - Linkedin - PH  (2)

The expert

Louise N.

Solution Architect

Custom generative AI solutions tailored to your business needs:

Generative AI presents incredible potential for innovation and creativity. However, it also raises crucial issues in terms of ethics, intellectual property, responsibility, security, impact on employment, and regulation. It is essential to proactively address these in order to promote a responsible and beneficial use of this promising technology. Thanks to our historic expertise in Data Science and our deep understanding of application domains, our teams will accompany yours to develop custom generative AI solutions tailored to your business needs.

Use cases :

2-developers-in-front-of-a-computer Dataengineers-talking 2-person-looking-at-a-computer

Harness the power of LLMs in natural language processing

Language models based on machine learning (LLMs) provide advanced capabilities in natural language processing. We can assist you in generating high-quality content, analyzing textual documents, creating intelligent virtual assistants, and automating translation tasks, among many other possibilities. LLMs open up new opportunities to enhance your communication and interact effectively with your audience.


Generative AI Use-Case Discovery

In order to provide you with the best tailor-made solutions that will keep you ahead of the competition, we analyze your existing processes to understand your business goals and evaluate the opportunities offered by generative AI and LLMs. Just like our Data Product Discovery offering, we believe in a personalized approach to meet the unique needs of each company.

Training for Your Teams

In order to empower your teams to master the key concepts of generative AI and LLMs, learn how to utilize generative models, and harness their full potential to solve complex business problems, we provide them with guidance and training programs.

First pattern

They have developed generative AI solutions

BPI France
IA Générative

MVP of Generative AI in 10 weeks.

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